All pua shit stupid and counterproductive. Organically discovering what works for you on your own is far more valuable & productive than adopting anyone else's "pickup structure". The only good idea that comes from pua stuff is the basic idea of all therapies: that the individual can change his/her ways whenever he/she so chooses.
Every time you talk to another person you have to give "Value".
In theory this sounds like a good concept, but it's very sneaky in a bad way.
I remember reading about this concept in some pua material and it seemed like a great idea at the time. Mehow, Tyler and other pua's advocate this.
So after I had internalized this concept I was out doing some daygame. And I got this wierd icky feeling that something was wrong, and I felt anxious before approaching. I had never felt like this before.
I was looking at the pictures in my head and listening to the dialogue and it told me that I couldn't approach girls unless I had some value that I could offer theese girls. My mind was looping looking for the answer to this value stuff.
That's when I realized that the value concept is bs, and causes artificial AA.
Giving "Value" translates too = I am not "OK" as I am.
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This is where I think people overthink some of this shit, or it's important where the focus lies....
Giving value is legit. But I think it's more like giving value through who you are, i.e. you're just cool as fuck and laid back, happy, confident, etc., vs. TAKING it, which is the big problem. I think the main issue is dudes just want something from girls/people in general, rather than thinking in terms of "shit, how can I make this persons day." They think of the girl/person in terms of what they can get from then. Then it becomes this weird leechy, needy type situation.
I think the problem is the way some of it is worded and thus internalized. Like I said, thinking "how can I give value" feels different (and is terrifyingly nebulous) than, "how can I be comfortable enough that I don't need anything from anyone (not taking value)". That attitude in and of itself is "valuable."
that you need to "get your life handled" to get women.
While it's awesome to get your shit together, some of the biggest fuck ups in life that I've ever met are constantly dating the most "together" and hottest bitches I've ever seen.
Getting your shit together =/= pussy galore
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Ha ha.
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I agree
Some of the biggest gangsters, low lifes, people who work the shittiest jobs and live in the shittiest apartments date the hottest girls, especially in small towns
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Very good post. in reality its simply not true. There might be some girls, but not very many.
watch this clip
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What the hell theories has Savoy came up with?
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And i know why. Its very simple. These guys are MEN. They are making the girls feel safe, protected and looked after. All that palm reading shit goes out the window.
Its not about money, altho it can help. Its not about intelligence either. Some of the most pigshit thick dudes are with exremley good looking girls. Its more about being a man and accepting your masculinity. Fearlessness, protectiveness, being a man, being able to stand tall in the face of adversity, being durable. that sort of thing.
Most thugs, gangsters and other shitbags have it. Trust me , i know ...cos im like them my self, shitbags included haha
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Very true
I think the whole "protection" thing means a lot.
Without a doubt. Girls can just sense that quality in a man. If your not conventionally "good looking" then u can have this going on for you ( being a strong man )
Some of the biggest , un-intelligent, un-educated guys i know are with the most beautiful women because they have that rugged masculinity. With intelligence and brains, they wud be unstoppable.
The communtiy causes a guy to cultivate the wrong things, like 5% of what is effective in being attractive to girls and leaves out the 95% of what shud be done, i.e becomming a man, knowing your role.
One thing for example is this: self reliancy and responsibility.
eg... who u gonna call?
if your car breaks downs and needs a tired changed..who u gonna call?
if someone gets beaten up.. who u gonna call?
if you get beaten up.. who u gonna call?
if you need money, who u gonna call?
the answer to all of them is NOBODY. There is no one. you must learn to do it all your self AND learn to have people rely on you. I.e you must be the source of strength for them. You have to do things your self. Thats what the communtiy doesnt teach.
Instead you get pinnochio motherfuckers like thetiger running around who are little faggoty fucking boys trying to get super goodlooking women by trying to spit a few lines at them
Women are looking for a MAN who can do things and take care of things and THEM, not a guy asking girls opinions on david bowie or some gay shit like that. It makes them look like the teletubbies have bigger cocks than them.
In real life you need no lines or any shit. girls can already tell if your the real deal or not. theres no need trying to show it or prove it , they know and hence give u lots of eye contact and smiles and shit like that. all u gotta do is talk and be normal.
thats how it goes
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Its why I hate going to a bar and doing "pick up" if there are jacked bouncers at the bar, especially in a relatively small town where everyone knows each other. They simply gobble up all the girls.
Yes that IS "survival value" but true survival value is NOT these stupid faggy lines....its actually in the form of protecting her
Like you said, guys like thetiger and all these other awkward looking toolbags dont get girls no matter how much "game" they know or how many lines they memorize. It's simply useless at their stage. It just does not and can not work
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It definitely biological because many women are repulsed by some of these guys but keep falling for them
IMO its more this is the sort of guy who would throw another caveman in front of a T-Rex to live another day type
They dont give a fuck about the rules of society which in many ways are setup to punish people
Is baby gonna have more chance of survival with the genes of a guy that will do whatever it takes to survive?
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yes , yes and yes.
Girls will always gravitate towards strength, good looks,security( money, status, power ). As simple as that.
An example is a kid call "D" from my neighborhood.
Hes much younger than me but has probably had tonnes more girls than me . No doubt about it.
He is the oldest brother of 3 and from the age of about 16+ he realised he has
to earn money for his family because his dad couldnt work anymore due to heart problems and he also realised that it was his job alone to
his family from any threats. He did do a few times aswell. His whole persona, mannerisms, voice, movements, way of life and way of expressing him self changed. This was his rites of passage from to become a man. the boy was no more.
By the age of 17-18, he was fucking several different girls, earning good money and getting involved in boxing and with local thugs.
By the age of aroubd 21-22 he had a rep for him self, had a nice car, was earning good money, wsa connected with local top of the food chain gangsters. He had put on about 40lbs of muscle and his whole physique, attitude, manner and actions were that of a responsible young strong man.
Girls were calling him "sexy as fuck" girls were hunting him down. he had fucked lots of girls from the area, he had girls begging his brothers to tell him to call them. The dude was average looking and didnt have the model good looks but he had lots of strength oozing from him.
Thats what the community needs to encourage. Not pickup faggotry. Girls hunt down men like that, not pickup faggot homos
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I'm gonna have to disagree with you with the whole being a "MAN" is what gets women because masculinity and femininity is bullshit (I think I posted this in a different thread before)
The concept of gender differences is made up, its a social construction, there are no inherent traits that make you a man or a women.
There are things that are universally attractive. Look at dominance, you always hear from fucking "gurus" how you should be dominant cuz it will get the girls panties wet but think about a girl who also asserts her dominance. If a chick grabbed you by the collar shoved you up against the door and started making out with you wouldn't you get a chub? FUCK YEA! THATS SEXY AS FUCK...
Look at some of the things you listed like being self-reliant and responsible as being part of a man and being attractive to girls. I'm sure most guys would like a girl who is self reliant and responsible rather than one that was constantly dependant and irresponsible.
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You are right and wrong. Yes, most gender differences are not inherent and are a result of socioculture evolution. BUT, it doesn't matter if it is all in the head. Perception is reality. Woman act the way they do because they have, in childhood, identified the acceptable behaviors for woman and then go on to mimic those behaviors (vice versa for men).
In america, we speak english, and that is all in our head too. It doesn't mean that english is "not real". And it doesn't mean that you can ignore english and try to speak chinese to an average american. The fact is, you have to communicate within the boundries of the
impressions made on us when we were children. Unfortunately for those men who have trouble conforming on any level, they will find it very difficult to represent themselves as a "man" if they cannot "take-on" the stereotypical "man" behaviors and social roles.
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